World Aids Day


World Aids Day

The advanced stage of human immunodeficiency virus results in the destruction of the body's immune system thereby leading to AIDS or Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. Once the immunes system is disturbed badly it leads to various infections and also cancerous cells in our body. Though the diseases falls under the high risk category it can be prevented if proper precautions are handled which mainly needs awareness among the people and its impact on the human body. This virus is said to be transmitted by mainly by sexual contacts, by injections or from an infected mother to a child during pregnancy. The first death reported on AIDS was in 1959 in a blood specimen obtained at Leopoldville in the Belgian Congo. So the main aim behind the observance of the World Aids day is to wipe of the ignorance related to these deadly diseases and bring awareness among people.

The World Aids Day is celebrated on December 1st.Every year a related theme is selected to mainly draw attention to the HIV/AIDS epidemic, helped alleviate some of the stigma surrounding the disease and make them non ignorant. It also highlights different aspects of the problems and also how to deal with it. By observing a day for the AIDS awareness many organizations like Governments, national AIDS programmes, welfare organizations, community organizations across the world gets an opportunity in participation.

World Aids Day The idea of observance of the World AIDS Day was first initiated by James W. Bunn and Thomas Netter in August 1987.They were the public information officers on depute for the Global Programme on AIDS at the World Health Organization in Geneva, Switzerland. This was then forwarded to Dr. Jonathan Mann, Director of the Global Programme on AIDS who was very impressed by this awareness program and declared and had the first World Aids Day observed on 1 December, 1988.In 1996 the United Nations came up with a Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS in 1996.The main operation of this committee is to mainly plan and promote World Aids Day. According to some stastical report there are about 33.4 million people living with HIV, including 2.1 million children. The year 2008 shows a record of some 2.7 million people became newly infected with the virus and an estimated 2 million people died from AIDS. It is also very shocking to know that the average age group who gets infected by HIV is 25 and they mostly account from lower- and middle-income countries.

The international symbol for AIDS is red ribbon for awareness and to insist on the care and concern required for people affected with HIV and the requirement of our support, commitment and dedication in this project. Apart from this many other activities are held throughout the world. These are mainly candlelight vigils, art shows, marches and religious services. There are many events conducted related to this day and try to publicize it in community areas like schools, malls, colleges, shops etc.

The representatives can take initiative ness to display event related information in local areas try to bring it out in your local community website also. The other easy way of bringing it into public awareness is to make any popular personalities in limelight or other public figures to felicitate on the day. Conduct competitions in schools and colleges on the event of World AIDS Day to bring awareness in the future generation.Interview local medical practitioners or social workers and ask them to talk about the day and its ill effects. Many programs are conducted related to the event of day in local Television and Radio station.

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