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KARANJI Vegetarian-Dish

Karanji/Kajjikayi are fried sweet dumplings made of wheat flour and stuffed with dry or moist coconut delicacies. They are a popular dish among the Maharastrians and the South Indians on the diwali season.


For cover
Fine Flour
: 1 cup
Ghee or Oil
: 7 tsps
Milk (any type of milk)
: 1/2 cup
Coconut Flakes
: 1 cup
: 1/2 cup
: 1/2 cup
Roasted Poppy Seeds (optional)
: 2 spoons



  • Mix flour, ghee or oil well. Add milk slowly to make soft pliable dough. Keep it in a container and cover it.
  • Mix those ingredients in a plastic container.
  • Keep it in a microwave for three minutes. Once open it and stir it well
  • Again keep it in microwave for 5-8 minutes till it becomes semi-dry. Filling will be ready.
  • After the ingredients are well mixed, turn off heat, take the pan off the stove and add sugar. Mix well to incorporate.
  • Now you can add cardamom powder, crushed almonds, and safron.Make small four inches or five inches rounds like thin chapathi's. Place one and a half spoon filling in one half of round.
  • Fold over the other leaf sealing in the mixture. Seal edges by pressing with a fork, backwards. Make Karanji's and cover them with thin wet Muslin.
  • Deep fry in hot gee or oil on low flame till brown on both sides.Put them on napkins.