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Dhaumya was the family priest of the Pandavas. He accompanied them in their exile. And on their return he conducted the inaugaration cremeony for the princes.

The Pandavas gathered around Dhaumya in a secluded spot in the forest to chalk out their future course of action confidentially. Dhaumya said, "You must seek the suitable disguises. The world is full if square pegs are in round holes. Any avocation is adrudgery and very few people have real job satisfaction. In times of revolution, confusion and chaos, all professions get topsy turvy and here hobbies come in handy. You can conceal yourself behind your hobby and enjoy exceptional job satisfaction. Aptitude will provide ample compensation for all the hardships incidental to the job. In fact, happiness is a hobby and I suggest that you may choose appropriate disguise in accordance with your aptitudes.

Arjuna said, "I have a blessing in disguise. Urvasi cursed me to be a eunuch but Indra was gracious enough to fix a time limit of one year and said that I could choose my convenience to redeem the curse. Now I propose to seek service as a dance teacher donning the dress of a lady. There are many prosperous kingdoms where we can seek service and live incognito. I prefer Matsya where there is less scope of detection. Virata, king of Matsya, is a principled ruler and is not a particular friend of the Kauravas. I have got aptitude for music, dance and drama and I had the opportunity to develop my talents when I was the guest of Indra in the company of the Gandharva preceptors. I can practically enjoy rest in the inner apartments of the royal palace. Let me be calm for sometime before I storm the Kauravas."

Yudhisthira accepted the proposition and said that he endorsed the idea of Arjuna to seek service under Virata, the King of Matsya. He added, "What about Bhima? What disguise can he take? His mighty strength, I am afraid, may betray him any minute. Consummate courage is not amendable to clandestine camouflage. Bhima is my hope as well as worry." Bhima laughed and said, "Let nobody be worried on my account of me. My only difficulty is my appetite which cannot be easily satiated. I should like to seek service as a cook in the royal kitchen.I can have a hearty meal everyday. Necessity is the mother of invention; I have invented many delicious dishes with which I can please myself and the king. I can supply all the items of food to my brothers freely. The kitchen will never have any shortage of fuel which I can fetch from the forest once a month. I may fight with wild bulls to entertain the king. I will vanquish any gladiator who comes to the court throwing out a challenge. I promise to control myself. But I am really worried about Yudhisthira who is always accustomed to command. How can he take orders from anybody."

Yudhisthira said, "His holiness Dhaumya has given us good guidance. I will seek service with King Virata as a courtier. I will don the garb of a sannyasin and give him discourses on ethics and classical culture. I can play dice with the king for entertainment. There will not be any difficulty as a sannyasin is respected by everybody including the King. The twins are sensitive souls, and I am reminded of Madri when I think of them." Tears rolled down the cheeks of Dharmaputra when he turned towards them.

Sahadeva said, "My hobby is cattle breeding and I know the King will welcome me as the head of the department of cattle." I can protect the cows, cure all their diseases and I can double the milk yield within a short time. I will be the greatest asset to the King. I know he will welcome me and employ me as the head of the department of cattle. Nakula said, "My hobby is the horse which is being now recognized as the rising star on the military horizon. Horsemen are in great demand everywhere and I can procure a job easily and king Virata will appoint me as his chief horseman."

Yudhisthira turned towards Draupadi and stared at her speechless for a few seconds, choked by shame and sorrow lest it might sound blasphemy to say about service to the sensitive soul. Still Panchali could follow every syllable of the silent soliloquy of the eldest son of Kunti and came forward with a ready solution. She said, "I will meet the queen Virata, Sudeshna and secure the job of a Sairandhri preserving my freedom and chastity. I shall tell the queen that I worked as a companion of Panchali and procure the job. As far as possible, I will try to escape limelight and confine myself to the inner apartments of the royal palace." Dhaumya who was glad that the problem was almost solved gave his parting message to the Pandavas.

Dhaumya Geeta, as it is popularly known is in the nature of the convocation address delivered by Dhaumya to his pupils just graduated from the university of adversity and about to enter the portals of the world of hard realities. It is secular and lively in content and is an epitome of the practical wisdom of the world. It has a universal import and has not lost its relevance even today though it deals with the psychology of the kings.

Dhaumya said to the Pandavas "My dear disciples, it is my duty to tell you how you should conduct yourselves in your disguise. It is a doubly difficult and delicate task for you to serve in a subordinate position to which you were never accustomed that too in disguise. However, I know you are resourceful enough, and come out of the ordeal in flying colours. The King is important and you must be ever vigilant to please him. But that is not all. You must never be little anybody who has access to the King, let him be a mean mosquito or a mighty elephant- a braying ass or a boorish jackal; you must try to please him as well. You should talk less and offer counsel only when there is a specific request; even then silence is better than unpleasant truth. The ruler is a veritable fire; if you keep a comfortable distance, you are warm; if you go very near, you will catch fire. When he does the right thing, praise him, and offer your congratulations without crossing the limits of decency. Never allow your praise to degenerate into flattery. "Very often, authority does not want comrades who speak on terms of equality, but expects slavery from the colleagues and will not be satisfied with insubordination. The king may elevate fools and cowards to commanding positions neglecting the meritorious. You must be a silent spectator and should never criticize the actions of the king, publicly and privately.

No one should build a house greater than the palace. Even if the king invites you to ascend his chariot, you must follow in your own vehicle duly offering him thanks, profusely and politely. You should never overtake his chariot. When the king confides in you with a secret, you should not be elated and must guard yourself not to betray it to anybody even inadvertently. It is foolish to place too much faith in the king even when he confers special honours on you. If you put up with hardship for this one year you can be happy for the rest of your life. This is the secret of probation. A word of special caution, about the ladies of royal palace. Never try to shine in their presence or exhibit your talents before them. You should avoid acquaintance with the eunuchs or dwarfs who have easy access to the royal ladies. Sometimes the grateful citizens may present you with sincere gifts for the good offices rendered by you, you should reject them publicly. It is not enough to be honest, your honesty must be made known to the public, unostentatiously because ostentatious honesty is worse than concealed corruption. Let me tell you that you should never be jealous of your colleagues who get premature promotion.

'Every dog has its day' should be the motto of the subordinates and you should patiently wait for your turn. Finally I want impress upon you that there is no royal road to happiness. It is always a zig zag path. The path to happiness is paved with sorrow and suffering. Life is a balance, both sides weighing equal, every credit entry having its corresponding debit and the vice versa. Nothing in this world is an unmixed blessing including wealth and wisdom. Riches has many responsibilities while poverty has its own compensatory rewards. Ignorance has its inherent bliss; while wisdom is riddled with various doubts. Go to the court of Virata as "Jivanamuktas." Equanimity is emancipation! Work is worship. It is time for me to bid you farewell. May your path be strewn with prosperity and success."

Taking leave of the Pandavas, Dhaumya and Indrasena along with the retinue and the chariots departed for Indrapras