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Vamana is described in the Puranas as the fifth avatar of Vishnu, and the first incarnation of the Second Age or Treta yuga. He is the first avatar to appear without anthropomorphic features, although he does appear as a dwarf Brahmin.

Prahalada had a son Virochana who was married to Devamba and she gave birth to a son named Bali. Bali spent most of his time with his grandfather learning all the virtues and made him proficient in the Vedas and the art of warfare. Soon he became the best among all the Asura warriors and was very strong. Bali was also made the crown prince and was married to a saint's daughter named Vindhyavali. But Bali always had a worry in him, which made him think that, "Gods have created a feeling of fright among the Asuras by always hating them and fighting them. So I should break this theory and earn merit and adept in all respects, equal to that of the Gods. To attain this I shall perform tapas and win the blessings of Brahma." So he prepared for this and went to forest to perform austerity. He was very strong in his tapa for he gave up food and drink; nor was he scared by wind and rain. Finally Lord Brahma was pleased by Bali's tapas and appeared before to grant his wish. Bali pleaded and requested his wish of not any personal benefit for him but for the sake of all the asuras for they have been rendered weak because of their fear of Gods. He asked for the boon of immortality and strength of Indra. Thus granted his wish, after which Bali happily returned back to the capital.

Bali now set all his mind to perform the "Ashwamedha" horse sacrifices and years have passed after he started doing this. Bali had been successful in completing nearly ninety nine sacrifices one after another. Finally they were planning on a large and grand scale the hundredth sacrifice for on completion of this Bali would earn the merit to be permanently installed as Indra. The Asuras who were morally right or justifiable in the beginning had slowly become vain and impertinent. They threatened people who were still worshipping Devas, saying that Bali is the only god Indra now and that the asuras are the rulers and lords over the three worlds. Soon the earth started witnessing lot of unexpected calamities. Bali was very much confused and was not able to understand about the happenings. So he came to Prahlada and asked the reason for the sudden change and the calamities happening around. Prahlada who was a devotee of Vishnu was capable of seeing into the past and future with his divine wisdom.

After this King Bali realized his mistake of losing control over his tongue because of his pride of valour. He repented over his error and corrected himself to the conduct of humble. Prahlada also felt sorry for cursing him in anger. But nobody can avoid fate. Prahlada wanted Bali to place full faith in Hari and complete the Ashwamedha sacrifices which he was doing. Shukracharaya told Bali that even if Lord Vishnu comes and asks for any gift, then it is supposed to be denied saying the inability to give anything to the almighty and send him away. Bali was not pleased with this idea of Shukracharaya of not giving anything to anybody for he was even ready to give his soul in charity. He said not to place any hurdles in his idea of charity. As this was happening there was a disturbance among the crowd and slowly a little bachelor of about eight years was making his way towards them and his face was shining with a smile with an umbrella over his head. The little boy's face was very clear and he seemed to be very intelligent and knowledgeable.

The ascetic also wanted Bali to gift him with valuable gifts equal to that of the sacrifice. Bali and his queen washed the feet of the young ascetic, offered flowers and sandal wood paste and worshipped him. Then Bali made him sit on a precious throne and spoke to the great little man enquiring about him of who he is and what can the King do for him. Bali told the young ascetic to ask whatever he desires, or everything that he has for he was ready to give anything that he wishes. The young ascetic also told the King of Danavas, that he has come to him knowing that Bali being the Lord of the three worlds will be ready to give anything that he wants. The ascetic introduced himself as the son of Kashyapa and that his name was Vamanamurthy. He wanted to give gurudakshina to his preceptor Bharadwaja and for which he needs a few places of land to perform the religious rites of 'Agnihotra'. Hence he wanted to ask Bali for only three places of land to be measured by his feet. He said to the king that was more than enough for him and it will satisfy him.

Bali with full happiness and willingness was ready to fulfill his desire. He addressed Vamanamurthy as Devadeva, and told that he was ready to fufill his requirements. So Bali asked him to extend his hands and receive it. Vamana stretched his hands under the hand of Bali. Bali placed his hand with tulasi leaves upon Vamana's hands, while Vindhyavali poured water from the golden jug as the priests chanted and heavens rained petals of flowers on Bali and Vamana. But to everybody's astonishment Vamanamurthy grew from height to height. People wondered at the sudden growth. He now measured from his first foot all the empire of Bali on earth and the underworld. He then measured Bali's empire in heaven with his second step and asked Bali where he should take his third measure. Danavas who witnessed this could not be silent, they became mad with anger. With uplifted weapons they came to attack Vamana. Bali who stood with folded hands stopped them and said, "Danavas, get back. Vamana, is Vishnu, Lord of the world. You defeated Devas once with his blessings. He is now with Devas. Therefore it is natural that they should win against you." Hearing these words, Danavas stepped back. Now Vamana turned to Bali and told that it was a test for his vow to give charity for which the King did not hesitate to give whatever Narayana asked even at his hard times of difficulties. So now Bali has gained a position higher than the Devas by his fame. Narayana also blessed Bali immortal ! But still Bali was keeping up his words and asked the Lord to put his third foot on his head to accept it in fulfillment of his promised gift and said that Narayana has also taught the Danavas swollen with insolence a good lesson. Having received Sri Hari's foot on his head, Bali was discharged of his debt. Tears of joy flowed down in the eyes of the Danavas.