World Poetry Day


World Poetry Day

World Poetry Day is on 21 March, and was declared by UNESCO in 1999, the idea of honouring poets. Poetry is the essence of literature which leads to cultural development. It gives an indication about the truth of life and nature

World Poetry Day may be said to have its genesis in 1936 when Tessa Sweezy Weff began to honour Ohio poets. Soon other people grew enthused about the idea of honouring poets. Forty one countries had been observing 19th October as te world Poetry Day by the year 1951.

The secondary schools usually organise a grand function and poetry writing competition. Poetry Day activities can lead to a great resurgence in reading and writing poetry. Poetry is an art which can cultivate enthusiast persons to the status near God. Poetry has a rythm which touches the soul of a person like music. It teaches, entertains, fulfils our mind and soul. Poetry inspires a person.

In our country poetry day celebration has not been accelerated. But it is worthwhile to celebrate and honour poets and poetry. in poetry even a child enjoys if it is in simple and lucid language. indian school students require much more guidance and help in understanding and appreciating the value of poems.

The idea of poetry could be inculcated from the very beginning of a person's life, which is chuldhood.

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