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The Mahabharata, in its original Sanskrit probably the longest epic ever composed, embodies much of the essence of Indian culture. Said to be written down by the god of writing and beginnings, Ganesha (the elephant-headed god), it is a fascinating story of a feud between two parts of a single Indian ruling family (the Bharata), featuring a gambling contest in which one set of cousins is tricked out of their kingdom. The war culminates in a vast, cataclysmic battle, told in a heroic and moral context. In the final battle, Krishna teaches the warrior that the ultimate conflict is not about land and riches and worldly power.

Getting Ready For The Battle
Getting Ready For The Battle
Indra invited Arjuna to Amaravati, the capital city of heavenly kingdom, and said, "We are returning. I will send my charioteer Matali to you presently with my chariot...

The name Bhagiratha has come down in Indian literature and legend typing herculean efforts to be made for achieving great projects. Once upon a time in the..

Ganga and Bhishma
Ganga and Bhishma
Bhartavarsha or the country of Bharat was ruled by many kings and Bharata was one among them. Notable among the rulers of Bharat was Hasti who founded the city of Hastinapura ...

Golden Lotus
Golden Lotus
The Pandavas along with the brahmins who took on a pilgrimage reached Mount Gandhamadana where they experienced heavy rain followed by a hail storm......

Nala and dhamayanthi pg1
Nala and dhamayanthi
One day Brihadasva, a reputed sage well versed in the ancient lore came to Yudhisthira to console him on the loss of his kingdom. Yudhisthira received Brihadasva ....

Nala and dhamayanthi pg2
Nala and dhamayanthi
The gods met Kali, the deity of degradation and depravity on their way and asked him, "Where are you going?" He replied, I am going to Damayanthi svayamvara......

Ekalavya belonged to a forest tribe of barbarians. The barbarian had the best aptitude for archery. Aptitude requires appropriate opportunities for self realization....

The sage Agasthya is avery popular character of ancient Indian literature, legend and life. His story is described in various Puranas. He was the pioneering missionary ....

Parasurama was the son of sage Jamadagni who married Renuka, the daughter of king Prasenajit. One day a Gandharava king, named Chitraratha .......

Partha sarathi
Partha sarathi
Duryodhana came to Dwaraka to seek the help of Sri Krishna, in person. He went straight to Krishna's place and found him sleeping. So he sat on the chair ....

Prince Of Braggarts
Prince Of Braggarts
Duryodhana attacked the Matsya kingdom from the north with his army and captured the cows while Virata was engaged in the south. It was a formidable force consisting of ...

Bhartavarsha or the country of Bharat was ruled by many kings and Bharata was one among them. Notable among the rulers of Bharat was Hasti who founded the city of Hastinapura ...

Jarasandha was the son of King of Brihadratha, a great warrior who married the twin daughters of the king of Kasi. He promised his wife that he would treat them with perfect ....

Message of Dhaumya
Message of Dhaumya
The Pandavas gathered around Dhaumya in a secluded spot in the forest to chalk out their future course of action confidentially. Dhaumya said, You must seek the.....

Ribald lover
Ribald lover
One day, Kichaka, the brother of the queen Sudeshna came to her. Accidentally, there he saw Sairandhri and fell in ove with her. At once he said to his sister.....

The story of Rishyasringa the personification of pristine purity and innocence being enticed by the courtesans of king Romapada, illustrates the instinctive attraction ..

As soon as Sri Krishna learnt that the Pandavas had lost their Kingdom in the game of dice and where living in exile, he rushed to the Kamyaka forest to see them........

Romasa showed Yudhisthira and his party the place on the banks of the river Yamuna where Mandhata performed the great sacrifice famed in legend and literature........

There was a holy place where the king Saryati performed the sacrifice at the beginning of Dvaparayuga on the banks of the Narmada. This is the lake...

Sukracharya Pg1
Sukracharya was the preceptor of the Asura King Vrishaparva and Devayani was the daughter of Sukracharya. The filial affection bestowed upon Devayani ....

Sukracharya Pg2
Just at the time emperor Yayati of the Puru race entered the forest on hunting expedition, came to the same spot in search of water. When he peeped into the well he found a lovely instead.....

The Disgrace To Draupadi
The Disgrace To Draupadi
Duryodhana was the happiest man in the assembly and he ordered Vidura to go and fetch Draupadi for performing the menial jobs along with the other slaves of the royal household......

Duryodhana was suffering from inferiorty complex after his defeat at the hands of the Gandharavas. One day Bhishma said to Duryodhana confidentially, I am sorry to earn that you have ....

Vanity Fair
Vanity Fair
Some Brahmins who lived along with the Pandavas in the forest came to Dhritarashtra and told them how the born princes were undergoing hardships and privations due.....

Wax Palace Pg1
Wax Palace
Yudhisthira apart from learning archery from Drona was regularly going to Vidura the reputed philosopher of the times to seek enlightenment on polity and social sciences......

Wax Palace Pg2
Wax Palace
The wax palace was ready and Pandavas occupied it with apparent jubilation. Meanwhile an expert miner came to Varanavata at the instance of Vidura and met Yudhisthira to provide...